quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

Valsa Nº6 – The Play By Nelson Rodrigues

direct by Clara Carvalho

Valsa nº 6 is a monologue have written by Nelson Rodrigues and It´s a fantastic surrealist play. The story is about : the girl Sônia and the beginner happens when Sônia doesn´t remember about herself only who music called : Valsa Nº 6 ( the real life calls “ Valsa do Minueto” opus nº 64 by Chopin) and during the story She plays the music in the piano many times.

Direct by Cynthia Paulino

In the play her memories happens in fragments and Sônia represents others characters like her father, her mother and Doctor Junqueira and the plays shows the Sônia`s age: 15 years old and during the story the main character has conflicts in relation the change the childhood to teenager. In the final She remembers who She have kissed a boy called Paulo.

Margareth Klein Actress
In the second and last act the plays shows the Sônia`s funeral and tells about the probably murder Doctor Junqueira who was the Sônia `s lover and killed her while She plays the Valsa nº6 in the piano and the plays speaks who Sônia never will kwon who She is dead. The final is very “ Rodriguiano” style and the play is the very nice surrealist theater work.

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